If you want to legally use musical works that you want to publish on phonograms and you are not registered as a phonogram producer within PAM CG so far, on this web site we describe the procedure of obtaining the above authorization for uses of copyrighted musical works, as well as conditions that the phonogram publisher has to meet during the registration.
– Publisher should be natural or legal person (entrepreneur) registered for publishing activities.
– Publishers must submit certificate on registered publishing activities to PAM CG.
– Publishers are required to complete the phonograms publishing registration form, and are responsible for the accuracy of the data.
In the registration form it is particularly important to indicate:
– main purpose the publisher publishes phonogram: for sale or for distribution free of charge;
– if phonograms are published for sale, the publisher shall specify at what price the phonograms are to be sold, to indicate whether it is retail or wholesale price, and whether it is expressed with or without VAT;
– the number of copies in each edition.
Publishers are required to submit the documentation (certificate on publishing activities registration and completed phonograms publishing registration form) to PAM CG.
After processing the received data, PAM CG will issue a calculation of royalties, within 20 days of receipt of the request for reproduction. Following the submission of evidence of payment of the royalties, the publisher will get approval for a one-time recording of musical works.
Royalty is calculated for each copy of phonogram produced at a rate of 8% retail or 11% of the wholesale price of the phonogram. In the case of free copies, price is the average price of this type of phonogram in the market. If the publisher produce more than five different editions of phonograms continuously in one year period of time, thereafter intends to publish annually more then five phonograms, and have no illegal editions, PAM CG will offer permanent (BIEM) contract rather than one-off approval.